Liver Health

It is essential to take care of your liver as it performs more than 300 vital functions for the body.

The liver is the largest organ in the body and performs more than 300 vital functions. It filters the blood of impurities and transforms and stores substances absorbed by the digestive system. Regarding digestion, the liver secretes bile and numerous proteins. Thus, it allows the destruction and elimination of toxins through stool and urine. The liver naturally has the ability to detoxify the body. However, toxins can accumulate and slow down liver functions. Cleansing the liver helps it perform its elimination function and allows it to store the vitamins (A, D, K, E) our body needs. Liver detox restores balance and bile functions in the body, increases vitality, and improves physical fitness. A detox can be considered at each change of season.

Offered Products

Formula A5
Formula B5
Formula B55
Formula B9
Formula C5

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